How to treat pests in the home

Pests in the home are never fun, but luckily you can take precautions to avoid being invaded in the first place. What the pests have in common is that they are attracted to our leftovers such as food scraps, moist and sweet spots such as red wine stains, and crushed fruit. Below we give some tips on how to minimize the chances of pests moving in.

SÃ¥dan behandler du skadedyr i hjemmet

Season and time of day make a difference

Not all pests are a plague in the house all year round. At the end of autumn and throughout the winter , it is the mice that move in due to the cold weather. Here it is important that all potential entry holes are covered. It can, among other things, be a good idea to hire a pest control company to go through the house and seal it before fall really gets going.

READ ALSO: "How to fight banana flies at home"

In the summer , there are a multitude of insects that want to frolic in our fruit bowls, empty soda and wine bottles or cans. It is therefore important to rinse these containers thoroughly after use. All bottles, cans or glasses to be recycled must be rinsed beforehand, so if you want to avoid an insect invasion, there is now another reason to be extra careful when rinsing.

Time of day

Especially in the summer, when we have windows and doors open most of the time, it can be very preventive to remember to close these before it gets dark. Both mosquitoes and night owls are attracted to light, so if you want to avoid them in your bedroom, remember to close the windows before sunset and only turn on the lights in the room when everything is closed.

Methods to get rid of pests

In general, for pests, if you keep the house clean and tidy, they don't have much to live on, and thus they either move out again or die. Therefore, it is important to be careful with cleaning, especially in the kitchen. Bread, flour and cereal products are bad for mice, so store these in glass or other closed containers if the mice move in; and always wipe surfaces free of crumbs. It may be necessary to acquire mouse traps, and has many different types and a thorough guide to fighting mice in the home.

READ ALSO: "How to fight mice in the home"

Banana flies, ants, wasps and other insects are incredibly happy with moist and half-rotten environments. That's why fruit juice, wet red wine stains, mashed fruit, empty soda bottles and cans are all culprits when it comes to bug control. Therefore, always wash newly purchased fruit before putting it in the fruit bowl, and in the summer, when these insects are most active, the fruit can be put in the fridge - this way you avoid bruised or overripe fruit attracting unwanted guests. If the accident is still out, then various flies can be caught with fly paper or a good old-fashioned fly swatter for the big flies. Outside, the ant nest can be doused with boiling water, inside bait cans, ant spray or ant powder can be used.

Insect screens can also be very effective, as they are mounted directly in the window or door frame, but if that seems too permanent, you can also hang up an insect curtain, which can be removed again when the summer ends.