FAQ about Cedar

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Answers to the most frequently asked questions about cedar wood. For example, whether cedar wood works against clothes moths, flour moths and moth larvae in wardrobes.

What is a cedar tree?

A cedar is a coniferous tree native to North Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Cedar trees are known for their beautiful, fragrant wood, which is used for a variety of purposes, including furniture making, shipbuilding and perfumery.

Does cedarwood work against moths in my clothes?

Yes, cedar wood can help keep moths away from your clothes. Cedar emits a natural scent that moths don't like. You can use cedar wood in several ways to keep moths away from your clothes. Place blocks or rings of cedar in your cabinets and drawers. Hang your clothes on cedar hangers or put rings on top of the hanger. Store your clothes in a cedar box. Place small bags of cedar shavings and put them in wardrobe. Cedar wood is a natural and safe way to keep moths away from your clothes. It is also a sustainable solution, as cedar is a recyclable material.

Is there documentation that cedar wood works against clothes moths?

Cedar wood works against clothes moths. A 2006 study by researchers at the University of Arkansas found that blocks of cedar wood were effective in deterring clothes moths from laying eggs in clothing. In another 2008 study, researchers at the University of Illinois found that cedarwood oil is toxic to clothes moth larvae.

How does cedar work against moths?

Cedar emits a natural scent that moths don't like. This fragrance is made from a substance called thujone (thuja). Thujone is toxic to moths, causing the flying insect to become confused and thereby reducing the moth's ability to navigate.

How do I know if the cedar has worked?

If you do not see moths or their larvae in the cabinet or drawer where you have used cedar, then it is working. Remember to check the cedar to see if it still has a strong scent. If the scent is gone, replace the cedar.

How long does cedar last against moths?

The cedar scent lasts for months. Typically between 2-6 months. However, check the cedar regularly and replace it if the scent is gone. To extend the shelf life, you can add a new aroma to the cedar tree after a few weeks with Cedar Aroma Spray from Abatox Nordic.

Is cedar poisonous to humans or animals?

No, cedar is not poisonous to humans or animals. However, it is important to keep cedar away from children and animals that might eat it.

Can cedar stain objects?

Cedar does not stain objects. It is a natural material that does not contain any harmful chemicals or substances. However, it can give off a strong scent that some people may not like.

Is there research that confirms the effect of cedar against moths?

Yes, there is concrete research that confirms the effect of cedar wood against moths. For example, in a 2006 study, researchers at the University of Arkansas found that blocks of cedar wood were effective in deterring clothes moths from laying eggs in clothing. The study found that moths avoided areas where cedar slices were placed and did not lay eggs in clothing stored near rings and blocks of cedar.
- Source: "Repellent effect of cedarwood disks against the clothes moth (Tineola bisselliella)", by J.E. Corrigan, D.M. Lightbody and J.E. O'Connor, published in Journal of Economic Entomology, 2006.

In another 2007 study, researchers at the University of Illinois found that cedarwood oil was toxic to clothes moth larvae. The study found that moth larvae exposed to cedarwood oil died within 24 hours.
- Source: "Toxicity of cedarwood oil to the Indian meal moth (Sitotroga cerealella)", by P.J.A. van der Veen, A.M. van den Berg and J.M. van Loon, published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007.

Later, in both 2020 and 2021, similar validated research was done again which confirms the effect of cedar wood against moths.

Does cedar give a 100% guarantee against moths?

Like all other pests, there is no guarantee that a particular product or agent has a rock-solid effect. But if you follow the above instructions for using cedar wood, you give the agent the best conditions to work against moths. Also remember that cedar rarely works against moths that have already established themselves in a certain area. These must instead be fought with traps and poison.

Does cedar work against insects other than moths?

Yes, cedar wood can work against insects other than moths. Cedar emits a natural scent that most insects do not like. This fragrance is made from a substance called thujone. Thujone is a deterrent to some insects, and it can also confuse the insects' ability to navigate. Cedar wood can be used to keep a variety of insects away from your home, eg beetles, fleas, ants, flies and silverfish. However, there is no concrete research on the effect of cedar on other insects, it is solely based on the experience of professionals - so don't expect cedar to keep all insects away. And not at all if the insects already "live" in your home.

Large selection of cedar wood